When Humpty Dumpty fell, it was all over. When “Whitey” became the project of Jessica Crawford’s fiancé, to find her the perfect Christmas gift, her childhood teddy bear did something Humpty Dumpty could not.
Yes, as the photo confirms, Whitey is a white teddy bear. What you haven’t been told yet however, is that putting Whitey back together was no easy task as we gathered from NewsLinQ.
In terrible shape, the beloved toy — whose head was eventually ripped off as well — was packed away and, for years, he remained destroyed and out of sight.
He lost his nose, his eyes fell out and a dog chewed off his ear.
Crawford’s good-hearted fiancé to the rescue – after a month of research, combing through over 10,000 teddy bears online, Vas Alli had enough information to take what remained of Whitey to a doll and teddy bear hospital.
Restored and packaged up for a special Christmas delivery, Alli recorded Crawford’s amazement.

Teddy Bear (not Whitey)
Crawford wasn’t sure at first, but then she knew… as you’ll see in the video, which has over 2.7 million views since being posted in January 2014.
Yes, this is old news to share, still timely this week, continuing to be viral, …probably next year too.
News to Share Brief source: “He Gifts Her A Teddy Bear, But Then She Realizes What It Really Is” on NewsLinQ
“A Christmas Miracle” Youtube video link
Tedddy Bear image license CC0 Public domain via Pixabay by Fotina