Haunting Unsolved Mysteries

The Asha Degree Investigation

In the middle of the night before Valentine’s Day in North Carolina, in 2000, O’Bryant Degree woke up to the sound of his sister’s bed squeaking in the room they shared together. He went back to sleep, thinking that Asha was just changing positions. However, Asha was instead getting ready to head out the door. She got dressed and grabbed a backpack that was already packed with clothing and other items. After she left she was never to be seen or heard from by her family again.

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Motorists saw a girl who fit Asha’s description around 4 a.m., when it was pouring rain outside. Another driver saw her, as well, and since it seemed strange that a nine-year-old girl was out in the cold all alone, he decided to turn his car around to check on her. Asha, however, decided to run in the opposite direction and disappeared into the woods.

After that, no one ever saw Asha Degree. Police searched the woods and found a shed that contained pencils, markers, candy wrappers, and even a Mickey Mouse hair bow that the parents identified as Asha’s. Furthermore, the spookiest fact of all is that later Asha’s backpack was recovered in the woods but it was buried deep in the ground wrapped in garbage bags, around 26 miles away. However, the family continues to hope that Asha is still alive and in September 2017 they ramped up the investigation once more.

From North Carolina we next look farther south, to a troubling mystery in Florida…

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One Comment

  1. Uriah biser June 12, 2018 at 12:27 am

    Great read……wish it was longer. Good work

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